About 11 months back, I left Kansas for good and came to Seattle. Manhattan, Kansas is a very small city. Its not even a city, its hardly a town. Weather there sucks big time, too hot in summer, too cold in winter and rains too much the other times. The city only has as many restaurants as I can count on my fingers. No desi eat out place. No public transport. Nature wise, the place hardly has any scenic landscapes. One lake, if you count it, just for the sake of it. No mountains, the landscape is flat and dull and boring. Too few happening places, down town is almost non-existent ..... and I can go on ranting about how much the place sucks.
So then, 11 months back, I left Manhattan Kansas and came to this place in the Pacific northwest. In complete contrast to Kansas, Seattle has the kind of landscape that we tend to see only in films. Snow clad mountains surrounding the city, almost year round. There are tulip gardens, dense, ever-green pine forests, lakes here, there everywhere. Seattle lakes have a shade of blue color that only we know of, its just too pristine and beautiful. And Seattle is not only nature, it has a very happening down town. Variety that we get in food here is unbelievable. There are hundreds of good restaurants, literally, serving Indian and non indian cuisine. The Microsoft presence here makes the city very tech-savvy and developed as well. Really, Seattle is nothing short of heaven on earth. Its just perfect.
Needless to say, Seattle and Kansas are incomparable ........... Seattle is way, way, way better a place, its a place that one can think of only in dreams.
I ask myself, and I never get an answer, that in spite of this, why do I miss Manhattan so much ? Why have I waited so desperately, every single day for the last one year, for the convocation day ? Why am I already feeling sad that this is probably the very last time that I'll be going to Manhattan KS ? Why does it feel that these next three days should just never end ? Manhattan is chalk, Seattle is cheese why do I love the chalk perhaps even more than the cheese ?
I do not know the answers to these questions but one thing I surely know of is that the next four days, I'm going to have a ball of a time. Here I come, the little apple.